Indonesian Indie Movement :

Posted by resrsr on Friday, July 1, 2011

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This band is a catalys for the grindcore movement in Indonesia. They Berkarat  album, which release n 2009, show us the evidence. With 10 tracks of Indonesian metal style, they show us their ablity to reach a global career.

They succed followed by another Bandung indie band, which bring some garage rock sound soul, bring the Led Zeppelin back to thr track. The S.I.G.I.T give some point to stack off our ear. They just release their latest mini album, Hertz Dyslexia II . And the latest news is that Gugun n Blues Shelter will take a part as an opening band for the Bon Jovi Conceert in London. This is a good news, while Indonesian is in the minor position causing by many internal problem. Yeah, succees for Indonesian indie movement!!!

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